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For Jenny, volunteering is contagious

Age Matters
27 August 2020

‘My friends tell me jokingly there is a two letter word I don’t use enough’ says Jenny. 

As an active volunteer at IRT Kangara Waters, Jenny has been involved in a myriad of projects including ten years of running the gift shop in the Aged Care Centre. Showcasing many creations by the talented Kangara Waters community, the shop raised $57,000 for the Resident’s Committee fund while under Jenny’s guidance. These funds provide additional supports and services to residents.

Jenny says she has always been someone inclined to help out, explaining ‘It’s always been a part of me.’  Using her extensive skills in craft (she’s written thirteen books) Jenny has solved many problems over the years, including the creation of several honorary ‘butterfly’ quilts, as well as scarves and beanies for disadvantaged charity groups. With the arrival of COVID-19 Jenny has turned her talents to sewing masks – ‘I’m up to my ears in masks at the moment’ Jenny exclaimed. Currently she’s made over 100 masks and is taking orders for residents, their friends and their families.

Age Matters measures the social outcomes for our volunteers. In our latest survey our volunteers reported a much higher quality of life than the standard population for the same age, as identified against the Australian Centre on Quality of Life’s Personal Wellbeing Index data.

“I get far more out of volunteering than I put into it” says Jenny. “Everyone needs to be needed in some way in this world and I get a really warm feeling inside when I fill that purpose”

Volunteer at Christmas celebration

Jenny was recently nominated for an ACT Volunteering Choice award, for her contribution to her local community. It’s not the first time she has been recognised either –  Jenny was nominated  for an IRT Volunteering award a few years ago and travelled to Sydney for the event. Jenny’s decade-long contribution to the gift shop was also recognised at last year’s Christmas celebrations.

If you’d like to get involved in volunteering with us please, complete an Expression of Interest.

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