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If you’re ageing and have extra needs such as being isolated, homeless,  living with a disability or if you come from a disadvantaged background  it’s harder for you to find and access services and supports to help you age well.

Even vulnerable older people who have been re-housed into appropriate affordable accommodation after facing homelessness, may need ongoing support to help them get back on their feet.

We work with disadvantaged and isolated older people who need more help accessing the housing, health and wellbeing services that help them combat disadvantage. We also advocate on behalf of disadvantaged groups to make those services accessible and right for them.

Improving outcomes through Service Linkage

Matching clients with affordable age-friendly housing is just the first step. Supporting them to settle in and connect with their community is critical over the short to medium term. Without this support, clients may become homeless again.

We work with local service providers to connect clients who are at risk of becoming homeless to essential health, home care, disability and meals services to break the cycle and establish community connections. 

Co-designing new services - Booraja Home Care

We’ve worked with the Walabanga Elders Council on the South Coast of NSW to co-design and deliver a new service for elders.

With funding from the Australian Government and in-kind support from IRT’s home care team and IRT Academy, Booraja Home Care is enabling elders to live in their own homes for longer.

This award-winning program addresses the gap in service delivery to Indigenous people in regional communities.

Building community

Age Matters is working with governments, service providers and researchers to design models that empower vulnerable seniors to regain independence and connect to their communities.

We have close relationships with organisations directly combating disadvantage and improving outcomes for older people at a grassroots level.

We also have a referral network of trusted providers for our clients. We want to do more than put a roof over people’s heads. We want to help them actively participate, improve their health and be part of a community.

Help us make change happen

Donate online or register your interest to support an Age Matters donation drive or fundraising event.

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