11 benefits of working in aged care
Working in aged care is one of the most rewarding career paths in the health care sector.

Every day thousands of aged care workers across Australia pour their hearts and souls into caring for older people either in their homes, in residential aged care (sometimes called a nursing home or aged care facility) or respite facilities.
There are 365,000 aged care workers in the Australian aged care industry caring for more than 1.3 million older people*. By 2050, the number of people receiving aged care services is expected to triple and with that the aged care workforce needs to grow to more than 1 million people**.
Working in aged care is considered by many to be one of the most rewarding career paths in the health care sector. Read on for 10 reasons to work in aged care.
1. Make a difference
Experiencing firsthand what it’s like to change someone’s day for the better is what it’s all about for many aged care workers. Making a difference in someone’s day is just the beginning. Whether it’s empowering clients to continue living at home independently with home care or uplifting residents with lifestyle activities at an aged care centre, your work will truly make a difference that changes people’s lives.
2. Every day is different
Your day can range from helping a customer get changed or showered, helping with medications, doing domestic work, taking them to appointments or social gatherings, planning activities, helping with meals or just having a social visit where you sit with them over a cup of tea and keep them company.
3. Meet new and interesting people
Working in aged care you have the opportunity to meet so many different people who have led impressive and interesting lives.
4. Genuine appreciation
More often than not the people you help in your work love you for it. They are genuinely happy to see you. Nothing is more rewarding than being met by a big smile from someone whose life you have helped make better.
5. Learn new things
Whether it be academic lessons or life lessons. There’s always something new to learn in aged care. Further your professional skills through formal study while also gaining life lessons from your peers and from your clients.

Become an aged care worker
Want to truly make a difference in the lives of older Australians? IRT Academy is a nationally-recognised training organisation offering online and face-to-face job-ready training in aged care. Find out more and take the first step towards becoming an aged care worker.
Find out more6. A sense of purpose
Many people come to work in aged care following a personal experience of caring for a loved one at home. It’s really heart-warming to be in somebody’s life and be able to help make a positive difference to not only their day but their overall quality of life.
7. The connections you make
Given the highly personal nature of aged care work you often have the opportunity to make strong and meaningful connections with the people in your care as well as their close family and friends. You also gain a new appreciation for the importance of social connection and may apply this to your own relationships at home.
8. Be proud of yourself
Caring for the elderly is important work and something to be proud of. To be able to ensure the older generation is being well cared for on a day to day basis is some of the most important work around.
9. Wide-ranging career options
There are almost endless career pathways to pursue in aged care. Many people start out as aged care workers and continue their studies to become team leaders, lifestyle managers, nurses, clinical educators, business managers and even executives.

10. Job flexibility
One of the great things about choosing to work in aged care is the amount of flexibility and choice available. As an aged care worker you can advise your availability to work and where possible be allocated shifts within those days and times – giving more control over your work / life balance.
11. Huge demand, job growth and security
The aged care sector in Australia is a huge $20 billion+ industry that provides jobs for more than 220,000 people across the country. Over the next decade Australia will continue to experience high demand for aged care workers due to our ageing population. By working in aged care, you’ll have access to an industry that’s experiencing genuine growth, provides vast career opportunities and guaranteed job security. It’s a highly viable career choice.
*The Aged Care Workforce, 2016 – Australian Government Department of Health

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